Spanish Elementary Online – Beginners I

Original price was: $350.00.Current price is: $262.50.Save:$87.50 (25% Off!)

Beginners I

Day. –.– – –:– (US PDT)

–. — – –. — (7 weeks)

45 min. per session
All class material included.

KiDeeF Spanish is Kasa De Franko’s Spanish Program for kids. KiDeeF’s immersion method recreates the natural way kids learn their native tongue, putting more emphasis on conversational Spanish than grammar and vocabulary with no context. Yours kids will speak Spanish from the very first day of class.Our twenty years of experience as language teachers and polyglots back us up when it comes to delivering the best teaching experience to your kid. At KiDeeF Spanish, children will play games and work on interactive activities while learning Spanish. When creating our material, we test it with school children in Peru learning to speak, read, and write their native language.

We provide our students our own material including games, flashcards, puzzles, songs, and interactive activities to let kids absorb the language more effectively. We are committed to delivering the best service while using the most effective methods, and we embed our mission in every KiDeeF lesson at Kasa de Franko.

Week Class Content
Learning Objectives

To introduce students to Spanish basics, including introductions, colors, numbers, syllables, vocabulary, verbs, and pronunciation, through engaging songs, activities, and vocabulary practice.

Day 1:

Introducing yourself, Vowel sounds, Basic Colors, Syllable: Ma-Me-Mi-Mo-Mu and practiced through songs like “Un elefante se balanceaba” and “La mar estaba serena”

Day 2:

How are you?, Numbers 0 to 10, The alphabet, Shapes and practiced through songs like “Hola, ¿Cómo estás?”

Day 3:

Fruits part I, Verb “To Like” + things, Syllable: Ta-Te-Ti-To-Tu, Choose the right color and practiced through songs like “Canción Me gusta + comida.”

Day 4:

Ordinal numbers, Verb “To Like” + actions, Verbo “Haber” – There is – There are, Emotions part I and practiced through songs like “Si eres feliz y lo sabes”

Day 5:

Numbers 10 to 20, Animals part I, Professions, Syllable- Ña-Ñe-Ñi-Ño-Ñu and practiced through songs like “Yo quiero ser”

Day 6:

Spelling fruits, Counting rabbits (How many), Means of transportation, Vegetables and practiced through songs like “Vegetables song”

Day 7:

Sizes, Verb “To prefer”, How do you feel and practiced through songs like “Pez pequeño, pez grande”

Group Class Size Policy:
  • Minimum 3 students per group class to have the full program. (7 sessions of 45 minutes)
  • If two students or fewer, same fee BUT meeting 7 sessions of 30 minutes.
Refund Policy:

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Category: Product ID: 33452

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