Does Alcohol Help Your Spanish?

Maybe? Alcohol does, somehow, help your Spanish! Alcohol improves your foreign language skills, new study says! We bet we got your attention with that headline, right? Not! Here, at Kasa De Franko, we are not promoting alcohol drinking—much less binging.

We are happy to celebrate life with you always with moderation. And why not—even better—if celebrating life can boost your language skills? Ok, let’s stop beating the bush and let’s go straight to business. Bottoms up, amigo!

speakl Spanish with alcohol

Does alcohol boost your Spanish skills?

How exactly can alcohol makes learning a new language any easier? Well, we can pretty much rule out that slurring counts as a new language and mumbling doesn’t count, either.
Where the interesting data tells the story is in a recent study published by the Journal of Psychopharmacology. Here’s how it worked.

alcohol Spanish

Discovering Languages over Drinks

Three sets of researchers representing Maastricht University, the University of Liverpool and King’s College London pooled together 50 people.

These subjects spoke German as their mother tongue. They had also just recently learned how to speak Dutch. Are you following this? The 50 study subjects were given a beverage to consume.

The beverage was either a low alcohol drink or one that contained no alcohol. Just the researchers knew who was drinking what. Then the fun began.
The 50 participants were then instructed to converse in Dutch for a few minutes.

Toasting to Languages

So, these slightly inebriated Germans and those who thought they were, all had a pleasant chat about random things in Dutch.
The conversations were recorded and then analyzed. A pair of native Dutch speakers reviewed the audio without knowing who had alcohol and who didn’t.
The results were sobering. Okay, that’s our play on words there. Still, the results made us want to start drinking a little bit more before that new foreign language test or film festival.

The Results Revealed…

The Germans that were slightly buzzed actually scored higher than the non-alcohol drinkers.
Seriously! In fact, the two Dutch reviewers indicated that the best speakers in the bunch—those who had been slightly buzzed from alcohol—were nailing pronunciation like pros.
The data made it clear that if you want to learn how to speak, say, the Spanish language, a shot or two of alcohol will increase your ability to learn and study.

Ravages of Alcohol

Well, isn’t this an interesting development? With alcohol known as a tool that tends to impair cognitive function, you know, memory and attention, how did this happen?
The researchers acknowledge that alcohol does cause impairment but it also reduces social anxiety and elevates self-confidence which could play a role when deep in conversation with someone else.

alcohol makes you speak better spanish

There Are Disclaimers

You had to see this coming. Researchers point out that the test subjects who consumed alcohol had only a small amount of a low dosage of booze.
Although it does bring up some interesting questions as to why the brain will operate in such a manner with a foreign language when the same brain can cause us to stumble our way through our own mother tongue after a few too many drinks.
They also say that although the study gives some interesting results, it’s all preliminary. That’s another way of saying there needs to be some more serious research conducted and the line to be part of the process starts just behind us!

Brain, no pain no gain

Harry’s Boosted Journey!

Meet Harry – a Spanish learner like you, searching for the perfect learning spot. In his recent Yelp rave, he found just that. He says this about Franko: A teacher who’s not just knowledgeable but also chill, funny, and super patient.
If you would like to check out, Harry’s review visit our Yelp page. Feel free to ask him any questions about Kasa De Franko. We are sure he’d be happy to reply. You can also ask him if it is true for him that alcohol helps his Spanish—he’ll be even more than happy to respond that existential question.
Harry’s review sets the vibe for our Spanish classes – fun, effective, and totally worth checking out. Ready for your Spanish journey with us? Get a taste with us—not of alcohol, not with us, maybe with Harry. We are saying a taste of our free lessons!

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Celebrate with Free Spanish Classes!

Entonces, por el momento: ¡Salud!…Wow, who knew a little drink could kickstart those language skills? Now, while we’re toasting to the power of alcohol in language learning, let’s dive into something equally fun – exploring Spanish with Kasa de Franko!
¡Oye! At Kasa de Franko, we’ve got the key to unlocking the wonders of Spanish. We get it – learning a new language should be as exciting as finding out your favorite barista spelled your name right without asking.

It's alcohol, no coffe

“¡Hola!” & “¡Adiós!” For Free!

Picture this: a place where speaking Spanish feels as natural as ordering that extra cheesy nacho platter. We’ve got specialized services tailored to your groove.
Whether you’re starting from “¡Hola!” or aiming to finesse your “¡Adiós!” game, our sessions are all about that fun, interactive vibe.
And wait for it… as an added fiesta bonus, we’re handing out Free Passes to our Spanish classes. Yelp, you heard it right – no entry fee, just a whole lot of ¡sabor!
Think of it like this: those Dutch speakers acing their convo after a sip or two? You’ll be acing Spanish like a pro with our dynamic classes, and not drinks involved—unless you are feeling inspired to quickly boost your skills.

¡Ven a la fiesta gratis!

So, ¿por qué no unirte a la (Why not join the) party and level up your Spanish game with Kasa de Franko’s language vibes? Let’s test it out and see if alcohol really helps your Spanish!
Ready to spice up your linguistic adventure? Secure your spot in our gratis Spanish classes. ¡Hasta pronto! (See you soon!) ¡Hasta la vista (only Arnolds says it). And always remember….

alcohol in Spanish
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