Stay Alive and Quarantined with KDF Cuarentena Crash Courses

Corona, Virus, Coronavirus, Infección, Pandemia De
The COVID19 virus is not your amigo, but a piece of s*** that breaks into your home and refuses to leave; until you route it to Hell, get a restraining order, and break up with it for good! This plague-stuff is just one of the many Hallmarks of being human, and it’s hitting hard now, but it’s not the first plague us bipedal mammals have had to face. They say it’s good to know history because history repeats itself. Well, my friend Pedro and I know history very well because we repeat ourselves A LOT (after too many cervezas). These days, sadly, we are working remotely and do not have time for such beautiful nonsense. Why? Because this virus is dangerous! What we do have, however, is great Quarantine specials and online classes to Zoom your progress!
What should you do?
Video Conferencia, E-Learning, Negocio, Auricular
You could stock up on cigarillos and tequila. Have a life-altering bender until you go sleep forever. Or, you could stay safe in Cuarentena (Quarantine) and use this time to jump into our Crash Courses! Here at KDF, we love our students and want safety, wellbeing, and progress for you and them! Being the grammar and language freaks that we are, we consider this as good as time as any for polishing up your Spanish language skills! Check out our first offering below:
Online 5-HOUR Special PROGRAM via Zoom!
QUARANTINED Beginners Spanish: Live and fun online class meeting once per week. In this program, our students will learn similar content as our beginners and use the same material of the Small Group Lessons (SGL) but in a bigger setting. Students of this program will make more friends than a regular group and have more opportunities to practice Spanish with their classmates. Both students from this Special Program and regular (SGL) programs will get the recording and notes of class every week—just in case they have to miss one of our lessons. Classes are conducted via Zoom: Students will get the chance to speak in groups of two or three students as well as interact with their instructor in each group or in the main KDF virtual classroom with the entire class.
Quarantine Strong with KDF
Keeping Quarantine, obeying the federal lockdown order, and staying home are the right choices to make at this time. Despite your growing cabin fever, and feeling like you’re 14 and bored out of your potato-head on summer break wishing that anything would happen again: Just like the regular at the end of the bar (the one with the hideous wart) who winks and sends shudders down your back; you don’t want this virus, but it wants you. What better time than to say NO WAY JOSE to the virus and make staying home super interesting! Check out are 10-hour Crash Course Program below:
Special QUARANTINED Beginners Spanish:
Estudiante, Ordenador Portátil, Escribir, Teclado
An Amazing Twice a Week Program which may serve more than 6 students at a time. Our regular Small Group Lessons (SGL) programs are for 6 to 8 (max) students. In this program, our students will still learn the same content and use the same material than our Small Group Lessons but in a bigger setting. Students of this program will make more friends than a regular group and have more opportunities to practice Spanish with their classmates. Both students from this Special Program and regular (SGL) programs will get the recording and notes of class every week–just in case they have to miss one of our lessons. Classes are conducted via Zoom: Students will get the chance to speak in groups of two or three students as well as interact with their instructor in each group or in the main KDF virtual classroom with the entire class.    
Origin and Meaning of Cuarentena
Coronavirus, Corona, Cuarentena, Aislamiento
The word Quarantine comes from Quaranta Giorni in Italian, which in turn comes from the word Quadraginta in Latin and which translates as “four times ten.” What began as religious in origin, started being used medically and referred to the isolation of 40 days for people and property suspected of carrying the bubonic plague during the Black Plague pandemic in Venice in the 14th century. The oldest known forms of isolation go back over 3400 years ago, mentioned in the Bible, dealing with leprosy. Hippocrates and Galen in the 5th century BC advised ‘Cito, Longe, Tarde,’ meaning ‘go fast, go away and take time to return’.
How Deep Down the Rabbit Hole Do You Want to Go?
Del Ratón, Roedor, Comer, Queso, Animales, Mamíferos
What used to be so commonplace like grazing your hand against an attractive cashier’s at Popeyes Chicken, handing over a sweaty 5 dollar bill, and giving her that “hey baby, you from out of town?” kind of look is sadly not your experience these days. The majority of people are left to please themselves with only their hands, thankful for the internet, and looking for a new hobby. You see, this isn’t humanity’s first go-around in plague-life. The first-ever recorded plague happened 500-something AD and lasted over 50 years. As the virus spread into Persia, writers thought that the disease was the wrath of God against a sinful world. Still, researchers, today conclude it came from rats. Who is science to say that the rats weren’t sent from God anyway?
You’re going stir crazy, I know, but KDF has a solution
Now my friends is the perfect time to catch up on cleaning, taxes, polka dancing, and thrusting your mind into a new learning activity like hopping on one foot while saying the alphabet backward. I mean checking out our Quarantine Crash Courses at Kasa De Franko! With our Spanish online school, it’s simple to sign up and get involved now! There’s no reason to come to the Bay Area and spread the virus because we have classes happening this very second online.
Quarantine isn’t fun, but our Spanish classes are! There’s no better way than to spend these times with smiling and happy people bent on making language fun and easy to learn and use! While the government hands out checks like sausages on toothpicks, we are offering a great promos on our Crash Courses. A great time to put your stimulus check to good use and enhance your job opportunities when this quarantine lifts. Lots of companies looking for bilingual staff. While they are hard, I think quarantines are good. They enable us to get in touch with ourselves, to take stock of our surroundings, and to ensure that we have toilet paper, frijoles, and tortillas. This quarantine will enable us to save ourselves and others from a personal appointment with the Grim Reaper. It’s not our time yet! Now is a great time to inquire about these specials, save money, laugh, make friends, and learn the language of love!
Don’t just speak Spanish! Think in Spanish!
Don’t just learn Spanish! Embrace the Spanish Culture!
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