The Chupacabras’ Attack

Once upon a time, the legend of the Chupacabras lived in the people’s hearts. Nestled within Vloodymoon Ville, a once tranquil town, a sinister legend stirred. Yes, it is tonight: Blood Moon! The Sexy Chupacabras strikes again, attacking with dirty Spanish phrases that shock and seduce. He did it again!

Nestled within Vloodymoon Ville, a once tranquil town, a sinister legend stirred

Our Sexy Chupacabras’ Dirty Spanish Words

After each blood moon, news of another human corpse would grip this picturesque town. No one knows, yet, that people are dying because of our sexy Chupacabras’ dirty Spanish words.

The eerie posture of the deceased, often with a mysterious smile, hinted at the extraordinarily pleasurable yet eerie night they had before departing this world.

Eerie night when The Sexy Chupacabras Attacks with dirty Spanish phrases

The Blood-Moon Party

Vloodymoon Ville´s unique architecture and ethereal essence has the power to transport and immerse its visitors into a nostalgic reminiscence of Vlad Tepe´s land: Transilvania.

Each blood moon (luna de sangre), the doors to hell (las puertas del infierno) are wide open and the party gets bigger, louder, and especially, sexier! Why? This is the time when our sexy Chupacabras attacks with dirty Spanish phrases. Have fun learning naughty Spanish words you can use with your lovers. Watch out for el Chupacabras because he is still alive.

¡No estaban muertos, andaban de parranda!
They weren´t dead, they were just partying!.
Shoopy: The Sexy Chupacabras Attacks with dirty Spanish phrases

El Sexy Shoopy, Chupacabras

Our Chupacabras, a highly sexual creature by nature, always attacks its victims on blood-moon. This concubus, a gender-fluid being, wrongly labeled as Chupacabras, despises being associated with the name “goat sucker.¨

El Sexy Shoopy, Chupacabras

Don’t Call Him Chupacabras!

Yes! One of its more vulnerable sides: He hates being called Chupacabras. Dude! I can’t blame you! Seriously! Who came up with that name? Your dad? Goat sucker? LOL. If you wanna know why he doesn’t like being called Chupacabras, check our next episode: ¡No me llames Chupacabras!

Do not Call Him Chupacabra

Chupacabras Loves Human Blood!

In truth, our Chupacabras indulges solely in the taste of human blood, finding animal blood both vile and potentially lethal—his very own kryptonite.

That´s why: He prefers being called Shoopy!

Run RUn The Sexy Chupacabras Attacks with dirty Spanish phrases

El Chupacabras Is a Playa!

Chupacabras, just like any other player, has no control over its emotions. You know? Sometimes, like any concubus you may know, el Chupacabras falls hopelessly in love with his victims–even from ancient times.

Legend has it he’s been doing so since pre-European Peru, and the Incas knew him as Machu. You bet he speaks Quechua and Spanish, his native tongues and all that.

It's me The Sexy Chupacabras Attacks with dirty Spanish phrases

Chupacabras, a Natural Teacher!

The Chupacabras, in his seductive nature and passion for teaching, loves to show his victims some new sexy and dirty words in Spanish—and even in Quechua and other Peruvian pre-Hispanic languages.

Poto, Muchik word for butts, is commonly used in Peru. Siki es Quechua for culo (ass). Chupi is Quechua for the Spanish word ¨vagina¨.

concha The Sexy Chupacabras Attacks with dirty Spanish phrases

Rather be a ¨Chupi¨ than a Dick

Just remember that el Chupacabras loves to be called Shoopy. He rather be a chupi than a dick. And even better, a siksi chupi, which is a hot vagina.

Yuma is Quechua for semen. And ¨jalarse el ganso¨ o ¨ahorcar el ganso¨ is to jerk off in Spanish. ¨Ganso¨ is a goose and ¨ahorcar¨ is to choke in Spanish. Please, pay no attention to the literal meaning.

Let´s combine these sexy Quechua words with Spanish sentences and see what kinda sexy experiment we get:

Español Inglés
Me gusta tu poto. ¡Dámelo! I like your ass. Give it to me!
¡Besa y lame mi poto! Kiss and lick my ass
¡Tu siki te apesta! Your ass stinks.
¡Tienes un siksi chupi mami! You got a hot pussy babe
¿Te tomas mi yuma? Would you drink my semen?
¿Quieres mi vergasapa? Do you want my big dig?
The Sexy Chupacabras is Shoopy

Chupacabra´s sick game!

To make up for his cringe-inducing name, Chupacabras has this sick game going on. He tortures his victims, making them call him by his preferred name: Shoopy. You´ll see later how sick it is and how he goes about it.

And guess what? That’s when he gets his kicks, man. Talk about an ‘orgasmo’ (I mean, seriously, who knew death could be so pleasurable?).

After all, it may not be as bad to meet el Chupacabras at least one—and, possibly, your last one as well.

The Sexy Chupacabras Attacks with dirty Spanish phrases

Marks on the neck

Nobody could explain those weird marks on the left side of the victims’ necks for the longest time.

Like, seriously, that’s so close to the heart, you know? The chief of police was like, “What the heck? What’s on her neck? ¨

The bodies had this creepy, see-through look that would give anyone the heebie-jeebies.

I mean, who or what could do something so gross? Turns out, it was the Sexy Chupacabras, or as he likes to be called, Shoopy!

Who saw that coming, right? You? Maybe? But no the people from Vladymoon Ville. Poor vladymoonvillians: Uncertainty and fear were literally killing them!

The Sexy Chupacabras Book

Chupacabras Saga

If you want to find out more about the Sexy Chupacabras tales visit our KDF´s Blog.
If you’re into learning about some wild cultural myths and tales in Spanish: Yo, you really wanna check it out!

Drink for The Sexy Chupacabras Attacks with dirty Spanish phrases

Wanna Speak Sexy Spanish?

If you’re keen to master seductive Spanish phrases, be sure not to miss our collection known as “Things Spanish People Say in the Bedroom

Unleashing the Spanish Passion

Be Aware of the Power of Words!

These captivating pieces will elevate your grasp of sensual Spanish vocabulary. Just be careful when using these words as you can run into embarrassing situations or, even worse, offend someone. Or even worse, you may have the Sexy Chupacabras attacking you with more dirty Spanish phrases.

Language is a powerful tool and you´d better be careful when, how and with whom you use it.  

OMG ,The Sexy Chupacabras

Language Misunderstandings!

Exploring comical and awkward situations is part of the language learning adventure at Kasa de Franko.

We’re fully aware that these amusing Spanish language blunders, such as “Me gusta la chucha de tu madre,” can pop up unexpectedly.

Exploring comical and awkward situations is part of the language learning adventure at Kasa de Franko

No Mistakes in Front of Shoopy!

While these instances might seem cringe-worthy, we firmly believe that these language slip-ups play a crucial role in our journey of mastering Spanish.

Just don’t make those mistakes in front of Shoopy if you respect your life. Or else, if you prefer when El Sexy Chupacabras attacks with dirty Spanish phrases, just wait for him!

If you’re all set to begin lessons with us but find yourself low on funds, fret not!

Wow The Sexy Chupacabras Attacks with dirty Spanish phrases

Free Fee Is on Me!

Actually on us! We’ve got a solution for you. How about trying it out for free? Your luck is in. Throughout our Chupacabras Saga, Kasa de Franko will be rolling out complimentary lessons. So, seize the opportunity and make the most of it!

Reading about The Sexy Chupacabras Attacks with dirty Spanish phrases

Free Spanish Lessons

Hop on board for Free Spanish lessons at Kasa De Franko! Not only will you master Spanish conversations, but you’ll also dive into legends, folktales, and stories that are part of the Latino culture.

Don’t miss out on the next episode of your favorite KDF saga: El Sexy Chupacabras—Parte II.  

Hey, it is me. The Sexy Chupacabras Attacks with dirty Spanish phrases

Don’t Wait Too Long

Listen up, amigo! Don’t wait too long to start learning Spanish, ’cause if you do, “El Chupacabras” might come knocking, ready to suck all your blood! Unless, of course, that’s your kinda thing! If you liked The Sexy Chupacabras Attacks and want to learn more dirty Spanish phrases, check out our episodes:

click for The Sexy Chupacabras Attacks with dirty Spanish phrases

Red Means Free

To kickstart this language adventure, hit that red button below and claim your free Spanish lesson!

And remember, Spanish is more than just getting cozy with el Chupacabras. Embrace the richness of the culture, and you’ll have a blast!

So what’s the holdup? Get your Spanish groove on and let’s rock this language! ¡Vamos que esto ya lo bailamos! Y siempre recuerda:

The Sexy Chupacabras Attacks with dirty Spanish phrases
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2 years ago


1 year ago

what does this animal show about the culture?