Talleres II – Gramática & Narración

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Talleres II

Day. –.– – –:–
–. — – –. —
Instructor: —- —-
Age: —- (–+)
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If after the first lesson, you think this isn’t your level, we can switch you to a different class. No additional charge!

Who’s this class for?

This course is for students who have completed all the intro courses (Beginners, Intermediate & Advanced) or have an equivalent knowledge of the material covered in these courses. In order to register for this course, you need at least a basic conversational level. Class will be conducted entirely in Spanish.

All class materials included

Kasa De Franko‘s tuition includes a textbook, workbook, interactive material, access to our social media, socials & much more. We review your homework every week providing you immediate feedback.

Our methods

We all need grammar but not all of us love grammar. If you are one of those who don’t like grammar, this course is for you. We can’t promise you would love grammar with us. However, you will feel you are learning something new while having fun. We know grammar is not for everyone but we can all take advantage of it. You don’t have to enjoy it but you can, at least, look at it from a different perspective.

Let’s say: If you are a math person, you can look at Spanish grammar as a very structured series of elements and a number of formulas you have to apply when using it. If you are an artist you can look at it as different techniques you need to internalize before you better express your art. All types of artistic expressions are a type of language.

You first learn the basics before you can learn to execute or adopt your own free style to express yourself. Learning to speak a different language is then a type of art or a structured math problem you gotta solve. These and other analogies can be used to relate to different aspects of life and professions to better understand grammar. You won´t love it per se but, at least, you will learn to better understand it.

Class Content
Capítulo 1: El dequeísmo.
  • ¿Qué es el dequeísmo?
  • ¿Cuándo ocurre el dequeísmo?
  • ¿Cómo evitar el dequeísmo?
Capítulo 2: Sustantivos y clases de sustantivos.
  • ¿Qué es un sustantivo?
  • Género y número del sustantivo.
  • Tipos de sustantivo
Capítulo 3: El origen de la letra H.
  • La historia de la H en español ¿Era una f?
  • ¿La H es siempre muda o tiene algún uso?
  • La pobre H contra la adversidad ¿Es una letra inútil?
Capítulo 4: IV Adverbios y tipos de adverbios
  • ¿Qué es un adverbio?
  • Grados del adverbio
  • Tipos de adverbios
Capítulo 5: Los dígrafos en el español
  • ¿Qué son los dígrafos?
  • Dígrafos ch, rr, ll
  • Exclusión ch, y ll del abecedario
Capítulo 6: Oraciones coordinadas y subordinadas.
  • Definición y características de las oraciones coordinadas, subordinadas.
  • Tipos de oraciones coordinadas y subordinadas.
  • Diferencia entre insubordinado y subordinado.
Capítulo 7: el futuro del idioma español
  • ¿Cuál es el futuro del idioma español?
  • El futuro del español será tecnológico… o no será
  • Cuestionario del futuro del idioma español
  • En su opinión, ¿Cuál es el futuro del idioma español?

Curiosidades: español: los países en que más se estudia nuestro idioma

Group Class Size Policy:
  • Three students  minimum per group are required  to have the full 10.5-hour program
  • Two students or less, the same fee, 7 sessions of 1 hour.
  • One student, the same fee, 7 sessions of 45 min.
Refund Policy:

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